Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Years Eve

For New Years Eve we went to Gary and Carolyn's and had FABULOUS Las Vegas Steaks for dinner and then played games and the Wii.  Ellie was a trooper and stayed up the whole night!  What a crazy girl!

 Obviously you can tell Ellie had been there all night...the toys were skewn all over, just like at our house!

And see those potatoes there on the table?  Ellie kept bringing them to me as gifts.  She is the funniest girl. Now we are caught up with December!  Next will be January!

Little People Princess Castle

Ellie got the Little People Princess Castle for Christmas and she LOVES it! 

Sorry the pictures are kind of blurry.  We did get a new camera for Christmas, but we found out it doesn't take the best pictures.  Especially inside of our poorly lit apartment.  So just beware for future posts!

Growing Up

Ellie is definitely growing up SOOO fast and is becoming a little independent!  I wonder where she gets that from ;)  But I did her hair one morning back in December and she decided she wanted to fix it afterwards the way she wanted it.  It worked out pretty good!

What a funny girl!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

We Are Still Alive!

Well we've made it!  I know it took forever, but we finally have a blog again!  A lot of things have happened in the last couple of months so this would be a post that goes on forever if I told you all of it!  I'll fill you in on a couple of big events though!

At the beginning of December we were able to go see a Christmas movie at the Junction in Ogden for free, and Santa came afterwards to see all the kids!

Then Christmas rolled around.  Ellie of course got TONS of clothes from everybody, but she got this little Minnie Mouse chair as well.  She LOVES it!  It was a pretty good day for her!

 I haven't downloaded pictures from our camera since December because we haven't needed to, but when I do I will do more posts!