Thursday, May 9, 2013

What We've Been Up To...


Yup, that's right!  We went to Disneyland!  It was soooo fun!  Ellie had a stinkin' blast, along with the rest of us!  Beware for picture overload though!  How else can you describe how much fun you have at Disneyland without pictures?! 

Disneyland, Day 1:

 Ellie wasn't quite sure what to think of the characters!

 She LOVED riding the horses

 And loved flying on Dumbo!

 My view from above :)
 Ellie LOVES Rapunzel and Rider, but all she could do was stare at them.  It was so funny!
 Pooped out

 She had so much fun watching the parade, especially when the princesses came out!

 REALLY pooped out!  What a hard thing going to Disneyland all day!  She loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Nikita,
    It looks like you had so much fun!!! Congrats on the baby boy too. I am way excited for you and your cute family :)
