Saturday, July 6, 2013

Funny Randoms

We still need to download pictures from the camera, but Clint took some pictures off of his phone and I found these pictures.  It just shows that Ellie is one stinkin' funny girl.  We love her so much!  She makes us laugh more than we knew we could.

 Clint has a picture like this when he was a teenager, where he held up a tube or something while he was camping, and it looked like he had no clothes on.  Ellie definitely takes after her daddy! :)

 The whole time we were bouncing on the tramp we had to sing the "Tigger Song" and she would just laugh and laugh and laugh.

 Sitting behind our apartment eating snacks.  She wanted to wear her swimming suit that day, so she looks pretty stinkin' cute!

 Ellie LOVES stickers, and loves to put them all over EVERYTHING!
 This was during sacrament while I was trying to get a whole bunch of tape rolled for sharing time.
Like I said, Ellie is such a funny girl!  We didn't know how fun life could be until she came into ours and we are so grateful for her and for the little bundle of joy we're going to get to meet in a week! 
Life is good and we love it!

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