Monday, September 9, 2013

Levi's Newborn Pictures

Here he is!  We got Levi's pictures taken back in August, and they turned out pretty cute!

Kelsie Millet with Blackbird Design took the pictures for us.  She is one of the vendors that Clint and Navarro work with in the Wedding Industry.  You can check out her website at  Thanks, Kelsie!

 Clint wanted some of the pictures taken with some cycling gear...he has this gut feeling that Levi is going to like bikes when he gets older! ;)
 Gotta love cross-eyed newborns!

 So we weren't planning on having Ellie in on the pictures, but we took advantage of the moment and they turned out pretty cute.  Her hair was just a little messy from the day, but I still love em!
 Aren't they sweet together?!

 Isn't his little Blessing Outfit the cutest?!

That's our cute little guy!  I told Clint tonight, we have the stinkinest cutest kids in the world!  They are so sweet and I just love them so much!

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