Monday, July 21, 2014

June Recap

June was a fun month for us too.  Busy for sure, but totally fun!
 I graduated from the Davis County Citizen's Police Academy Class.  It was totally fun!  If you've never heard of it hop on Woods Cross Police Department's website.  It's a free class for the public and totally worth it!  It's great to see everything that the public officials do for us!  The next class starts next week so hurry on up!
 Clint spent a week at Scout Camp with seven 12-year-old boys.  I think that says it all . . . 
 While Clint was at Scout Camp the kids and I went to Lagoon with Grandma and Grandpa Petersen and cousin Ben.  Ellie was finally tall enough this year to ride almost all the rides and she LOVED it!

 Then we celebrated Father's Day when Clint got home from Camp.  We took other pictures but they are still on my phone.  We had the crazy killer steaks from Don's Meats and fish from Scout Camp for our dinner that night.
 Ellie and Levi played in his crib a lot

 We had yet another Spa Night!

 Read some fun books

 And went to the Air Show at Hill Air Force Base!  We go every time they have one and we love it!

 Levi had some wild hat hair

 And by the time the Thunderbirds were done flying, the kids were done.  It was soooo hot that day, so while we were waiting in line for the buses the kids zonked.  What a fun day though!
We had a lot of fun in June!  

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