He's here! Our little man has finally arrived and he is such a joy! Levi Gary Petersen was born on Saturday, July 13, 2013, at 1:14 pm. He was 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 7 lbs 8 oz.
Our day was a little unexpected though! I was supposed to get induced that morning, but he had different plans and woke me up at 3:00 in the morning with crazy contractions. I still got up and showered though, knowing me, and called the hospital to see if we could come early. We got to the hospital around 6:30 and I was already dilated to 7 cm so they hurried and got the anesthesiologist in there to give me my epidural. We were expecting to have Levi by 8:00 that morning, but then at 8:00 my nurse remembered that I tested positive for the Group B Strep this time, so they had to put me on an antibiotic for four hours. So at noon I was ready and waiting but my water hadn't popped yet. They sent my doctor a text saying I had received all of my antibiotic so my water was ready to be popped, and as soon as they hit the send button my water broke on its own! Levi was ready to get out of there! So as soon as my doctor arrived they got things ready and I got him out in about 4 minutes, with only 4 pushes!
He has been so much fun to have around. Granted, he eats like a mad man! And we definitely are lacking in the sleep department around here! But we are so grateful that he is here and healthy and we are so happy to welcome the newest member of our family! Welcome home Levi!
Ellie was pretty excited to have Baby Brother here!
Don't laugh at the pink head support...it was from when we had Ellie, but hey, it still works!
Carly made Levi a little Welcome Home sign for his first day home.
Thanks to all of our friends and family that helped us out with Ellie and meals and everything during these fun times! We couldn't have done it without any of you!
Next post I promise will be a catch up from May until now. I just wanted everyone to see our little guy and how handsome he is! :)