Tuesday, July 30, 2013

May Catch-up

So as I said, I'm pretty behind on my posts!  Mostly because we didn't have the pictures from the camera on the computer and I was so tired all the time that I just didn't have the energy to do much after working all day and being totally pregnant! 

So I left off with Clint's birthday.  Clint turned 29 this year!  Holy smokes!  I am married to an old man!;)  At least I like to tease him that he is!  We celebrated by giving him presents and then going to dinner.  Ellie and I also decided to get him tickets to a Real Salt Lake game!  His birthday was on May 21st, a Tuesday, and we got the tickets for a game on the 25th.  We had birthday dinner with his family right before, and then headed off to the game.  It was so much fun!  Happy Birthday Clinter!

 Ellie LOVES to help open everyone's presents!

 Yay for Real tickets!

On Memorial Day we went around and visited the graves and then had a BBQ that night.

 I saw these drinks on Pinterest so we decided to try them...they turned out so cute!

That's our catch up for May!  Next is June!  I'll try to make it short!

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