Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ellie...An Only Child No Longer

So since we knew when we were going to have Levi, or so we thought ;), we wanted to have one last night with just us and Ellie right before he was born.  So that Friday night we went to Applebee's for dinner and then went to the Children's Museum in Ogden and hung out for a while.  We hadn't been to the museum before, and it was fun downstairs, but then we went upstairs and they had a music room with big drums!  That was so fun!  But it was also closing time so we didn't get to stick around for long.  That just means we'll go back soon!  Ellie enjoyed it though.  Then we came home and I got to put her to bed one last time before I had a baby demanding my attention all the time. 

Ellie is so sweet and really has been the greatest big sister.  We are so lucky to have such a fun loving little girl in our family.  She knew baby brother was coming and wasn't upset or anything.  Since he has been here she has been so nice to him and so willing to help out with whatever we need help with.  I am so glad we got to have one last night celebrating her before he came.  We just love her so much and wanted to show her that we do.

These faces are called "Big Face."  Ellie started it a couple of months ago, so now we do it all the time!
We are so happy to have Ellie, but so excited to expand our family too!  Now you get to see Levi in the next posts!  Yahoo!

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