Sunday, March 30, 2014

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman???

If you can't guess by the title, Ellie LOVES Frozen.  Actually, love might be an understatement.  She just adores it!  She got snow boots and pants for Christmas and was only able to wear them twice for the two storms we had after Christmas that actually had enough snow. We had to take advantage of it and build some snow friends while we could!

 This is the snowman she built with Daddy down at Grandma and Grandpa's while I was at work one night.  Levi sat by their front door and watched. ;)

 Then playing in the snow at our house.  What fun!  We had to get Levi out too, and this was the best way to keep him bundled up!

 Brrr, it makes me cold just looking at it!  Honestly, I'm not too sad that we didn't get more snow! 
Until today! haha

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