Monday, May 12, 2014

April Recap

Here are some random pictures from April.  We did have Conference Breakfast with the Petersen side of the family as usual, and then just hung out.  Of course there was Easter, but I'll do a separate post for that.

Conference Breakfast
 Playing with Grandpa and Woody
 Ellie taking a nap with Carly
 Candy Hunt

 She could NOT wait to eat it!
 The Petersen Clan (and it's not all of them!)
 Ellie in some cool shades

 Ellie has become quite the little bike rider this year!

 Just a funny picture of Levi Dude
 My first pie! (that I made by myself)  I made the crust, cut the strawberries and put them in the crust, put the whole thing in the fridge to cool while I made the gelatin stuff, and when I opened the fridge to take it out, the whole thing fell on the floor!  So needless to say, we had just mopped the floor so I knew the floor was clean, so I picked all the pieces up and put them back in the tin and poured the gelatin over it!  It was still pretty tasty! ha!  :)
 After I got home from Citizen's Police Academy one night the kids were hanging out with dad, so we took some funny pictures of them.

We have the cutest kids.  I love them!  

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