Monday, May 5, 2014


We did some fun things in March as well.  We went to a Weber State Basketball game, had Spa Night, celebrated St. Patrick's Day, and fed the ducks at the park.

 We went out for some walks when the weather was nice
 And Levi wore his cool hat and shades
 We danced in Mom & Dad's room

 With Kenna
The kids seriously LOVE  dancing to music
 Navarro came over real quick one night, and Levi just seemed so confused! :)
 We went and fed the ducks
 My two best guys :)

 and my cute, cute girl
 hangin' out in the bathroom
 Levi was cranky one I made him cereal and set it on the table
 Then I turned my back to Levi while I switched the laundry...and it got quiet...
 I turned around to find this
 The kiddo's hung out
 Dad fell asleep while mom was talking to him, so....he got inked!
(And had no idea until he woke up to me laughing!)
 We had spa night!
 Levi hung out with Dad
 Ellie hung out with the girls
 Carly's face peeled off
 and we scrubbed us some feet!
 St. Patrick's Day morning
 Who got a lucky coin?
 What is it?'s chocolate!  Loves it as much as Daddy!
 And Ellie got a 'green' movie!
 NOW, without further adieu, the infamous GREEN WIG!

 Levi's cute shirt said "I mustache you not to pinch me"
 Chewing on a barbie head
Oh wait, where'd the head go???
Oh, there it is!!!  (Clint and Navarro thought this was soooooo funny!) :)
 Did I eat that?
 Carly and Yoda

 Grandma Petersen and Yoda

 Mom and Yoda
 Dad and Yoda, wearing Levi's sock
 Checkin' Navarro out
 Funny girls

 Green family
 Baby Yoda
 and Grandma & Grandpa with Yoda
 Then we went to a Weber State Basketball game
 and got a free little ice cream thing
 Ellie wouldn't hold still for the picture...she just wanted to cheer with the crowd!
Mom with the kiddo's.  

March was super fun.  We love the green wig and bring it to St. Patrick's Day dinner every year.  Everyone is good to humor us and wear it for pictures.  

We are loving life and loving each other!

Life is Good!

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