Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Citizen's Police Academy

Hey All! This is Clint. I don't make posts to our blog very often but I had to share something. I have been involved in something a little crazy lately and I wanted to show some pictures of my adventure.

Back in August I started the Citizen's Police Academy. It is sponsored by several police departments in Davis County. We have done some pretty crazy things. I even got put in a training scenario where I had to shoot someone (luckily for them it was an air soft gun). This past Saturday we went to the SWAT team training range by the Bountiful Pond for our firearms training. We got to shoot a .45 caliber handgun (we did have to shoot while we were running towards our target), an AR-15 assault rifle, and a UMP 40 fully automatic machine gun. It was a lot of fun. Below are a few pictures from our training.

This officer is a really big guy. His arm is as big around as my head!

Here are some pictures of people that were in my group:


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