Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun Pictures of Levi

Man, where does time go?  I swear it FLIES when you have kids!  I have so many things I need to post about but I'm just so far behind I don't have time for it all!  So I decided to update you on our little guy.  He is sooo cute! :)  He has been a crier at times, but we figured out why.  He has reflux, so we are giving him medicine several times a day and that really helps.  AND, he's teething!  Oh my heck!  At 2 1/2 months old!  He's definitely a fast grower!  Here are some cute pictures of him!
This one is definitely my favorite!

 In these pictures he was talking to Dad after bath time.  He's a stinkin' good little talker!

 Getting too big for the cradle already!
 I propped him up on the boppy one night after feeding him while I went and brushed.  When I came back this is how I found him...'saying his prayers.'  :)

 Just chillin' like a villain!

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