Thursday, October 3, 2013

Football Game, Kick a Ball!

I think those are Ellie's five favorite words right now!  If you call and talk to her on the phone, she'll tell you about the "football game kick a ball!" or if you are our neighbors and you see Ellie outside she'll tell you "football game kick a ball!"  She is such a funny girl!  She totally loves getting out, especially when it's to go to a football game!
Syracuse High has had a few games that we've gone to since we have a cousin that plays for their team, and then we finally went to a Weber State game last Saturday.  But let's all face it, Weber State's football team is LAME!  Like Clint said, they play like they're a high school football team, and maybe even worse than that!  But hey, who doesn't love to go to a "football game kick a ball?"

 Before going to Weber State's game we finally stopped at the In N Out in Riverdale.  It was yummy!

 As soon as Ellie saw that Melody had pen and paper she was hooked!

So go kick a ball at a football game y'all! :)

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