Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Family Fun

Since the kids and I are home almost all day long, we usually try to get out the house at least once a day.  Since we don't really have a yard we can't just go outside to play, so we really do have to plan a little excursion almost daily.  But hey, it's fun and we love it.  Although sometimes it's hard when we have to go at 8:30 after I get off of work!  Then that means that the kiddos get to bed pretty late, which makes for a wild night.  But you gotta keep them kids happy and getting out is a good way to do that!

Last Friday we decided to go get a cheapy Little Caeser's Pizza, which we actually really like, and take it to the park since the weather wasn't too bad.  It was fun to get out and play for a bit and just have fun with our little cute family.

 Then when we got home Levi wanted to show us how BIG he is getting by sitting up all by himself.  Man he's growing so fast!

 Then mom thought it would be fun to share her coke with him. 
  Don't worry folks, it's caffeine free!;)

 Coca Cola totally needs to put this in their ads!
Who could resist a cute boy drinking coke?:)

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