Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Let's Play Catch Up, Shall We?

Yup, it's me!  Good ol' catcher upper!  I feel like I always have to do this! 

Wanna know a secret?  Promise not to tell?  We broke our camera...AGAIN!  Pretty sure we are INFAMOUS for this!  This time we broke it at Lagoon when Clint and I went for our anniversary.  Probably on the Samurai or Wicked or some wild ride like that!  So, we are going to be short on pictures again!  But hey, it gives me a chance to catch up, right? :)

This post is about Ellie's Birthday Party!  Clear back in August!  We finally got pictures from Gary & Carolyn's computer to share with all of you!

It was a fun party full of cake and balloons and ice cream and complete with a Princess!  Princess Ellie of course!  She loved dressing up like Cinderella and getting Princess Hair and being the center of the stage.  Isn't that what every kid loves?  A little attention?  What a funny girl.

We are so proud of Ellie though.  She is so smart and creative and energetic and we wouldn't change anything about her.  We love you Ellie Rose!  Happy Birthday! (late)
Can't I just try a piece???


 Of course she had to throw a little tantrum because she was sick of opening presents! ;)

 Then we found out that the water holder contorted our faces which we thought was pretty funny.  We were laughing so hard we were all crying and our grandparents were looking at us like we were crazy young folk! It was so fun.

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