Thursday, August 15, 2013

4th of July Celebration!

So the 4th of July is big in our house.  Big.  HUGE.  WE LOVE IT!  It's really our favorite holiday.  So of course we have to celebrate!  We did our normal celebrating this year.  We went to the parade in the morning, hung out at the park, went to Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch, went home and had naps, went to the park for dinner (although I didn't want BBQ chicken sandwiches so we got me a burrito from Rancherito's) and then hung out until the fireworks started!  We had a blast!

 Ellie being the crazy Ellie that she is, climbing on Carly and Kenna
 Then when we got home that night Ellie went in her room to get ready for bed, and when we went in there this is how we found her...taking care of her baby. :)  Getting ready for Baby Brother.

What a good big sister!

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