Friday, March 29, 2013

Disney On Ice

Back in February we were at Clint's parents house and Carolyn said "You know in the past we've gone to Disneyland over spring break, and spring break is coming up!"  So we thought they were saying they wanted to go to Disneyland.  Then Gary said "We just thought we needed a Disney fix, so how about we all go to Disney on Ice!"  We were stoked because the theme this year was "Dare to Dream" with Rapunzel, and as you might know, Ellie LOVES Rapunzel.  She's wasn't always a fan of Flinn Ryder, but she loves Rapunzel so much.  So at the end of spring break we went to Disney on Ice.

Carolyn called me that day and told me that she had bought Ellie a Rapunzel dress to wear that night, and of course we let Ellie take her Rapunzel doll.  While we were there we found a little stuffed Paskell, so now she has all of the friends!  And ever since that night she LOVES Flinn Ryder as well!  She has been a little obsessed with Tangled since that night.  Thanks Gary and Carolyn for the fun fun night!

Discovery Gateway Children's Museum

Clint had spring break at the beginning of March, so instead of going to school he worked extra hours to try and earn a little extra money.  On Friday we decided we needed to do something fun to make up for all of the working.  Clint got off early and came home to pick Ellie and I up and we headed to Salt Lake.  We ate at Z'Tejas first and then went over to the Children's Museum.  Ellie absolutely LOVED it!  Especially since she got to play with other kids.  That is definitely a place we will go to again!

The Stork Brings Another

Well we found out what we're having on March 1st, and the verdict is...

Clint could believe it, but I was in a little bit of shock at first.  I had convinced myself that we were going to have another girl just because we wanted to have a boy sometime and I was worried that we never would.  But sure enough, it's a boy!  We can't wait to meet our new little guy, and we know Ellie is just going to LOVE him.  She needs a little friend so bad!

18 Months!

Well, Ellie turned 18 months at the end of February.  Don't worry, I'm just behind!  We took her to the doctor and she is doing great!  She is 35 in. tall, which is in the 120th percentile!  And she weighs 25 lbs 6 oz, which is about the 75th percentile.  So she is doing really well!  Just growing up so stinkin fast it's not even funny.  But we love her and she's a hoot!

And yet she still has that stinkin binky! :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Funny Randoms

These are just funny pictures of Ellie we took during Febraury.  She loves to play on our bed because of the pillows, so that's where the pictures are.

 A'hoy Matey!

 Cute sleeper

 Eating fruit roll ups and crackers

Playing with friends

 Trying to get away from dad

Visit from Grandma Trena

My mom called me the week of Valentines and asked me what I was going to do that weekend.  I told her Clint and I were going to go on our Valentines Date, and she asked if she could babysit!  She surprised us with a trip back to Utah for a bit so that she could see our little Ellie Belly.  Ellie definitely had tons of fun and it was fun to see my mom again!  We just hung out and went shopping and just spent time together.  Thanks mom!

 Ellie wanted to put her Disney Princesses on my mom's leg, funny girl.

Then they danced together while watching Enchanted.  Every time we watch that movie, when Jazelle is at the ball, I always pick up Ellie and dance with her, so Grandma got in on the fun!  Obviously Ellie LOVES it.