Saturday, March 9, 2013

Visit from Grandma Trena

My mom called me the week of Valentines and asked me what I was going to do that weekend.  I told her Clint and I were going to go on our Valentines Date, and she asked if she could babysit!  She surprised us with a trip back to Utah for a bit so that she could see our little Ellie Belly.  Ellie definitely had tons of fun and it was fun to see my mom again!  We just hung out and went shopping and just spent time together.  Thanks mom!

 Ellie wanted to put her Disney Princesses on my mom's leg, funny girl.

Then they danced together while watching Enchanted.  Every time we watch that movie, when Jazelle is at the ball, I always pick up Ellie and dance with her, so Grandma got in on the fun!  Obviously Ellie LOVES it.

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