Saturday, March 2, 2013


So January started out on a rough start.  Ellie got Croup right after Christmas and she was sooo miserable.  We felt so bad for her!  But she got over it pretty quickly which was great.

 As you can see, she still tried to have fun by wearing momma's socks!  She loves socks.

Then we had another Spa Night and all the girls had tons of fun!

Then Ellie and I went out and played in the snow when we had that HUGE storm.  Really Ellie played while I shoveled, but it was a good hour or more!

We came inside afterwards and changed into warm clothes, but Ellie wanted to be outside so bad still, so she stood on the couch just staring out the window at the snow.  She was just thrilled by it!

That's the update for January!

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