Friday, March 29, 2013

Disney On Ice

Back in February we were at Clint's parents house and Carolyn said "You know in the past we've gone to Disneyland over spring break, and spring break is coming up!"  So we thought they were saying they wanted to go to Disneyland.  Then Gary said "We just thought we needed a Disney fix, so how about we all go to Disney on Ice!"  We were stoked because the theme this year was "Dare to Dream" with Rapunzel, and as you might know, Ellie LOVES Rapunzel.  She's wasn't always a fan of Flinn Ryder, but she loves Rapunzel so much.  So at the end of spring break we went to Disney on Ice.

Carolyn called me that day and told me that she had bought Ellie a Rapunzel dress to wear that night, and of course we let Ellie take her Rapunzel doll.  While we were there we found a little stuffed Paskell, so now she has all of the friends!  And ever since that night she LOVES Flinn Ryder as well!  She has been a little obsessed with Tangled since that night.  Thanks Gary and Carolyn for the fun fun night!

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